Corporate reputation management
Good reputation is one of the most important business assets. It is essential for gaining the trust of clients, partners, investors, institutions, and it helps attract and keep good employees. Our team has over 20 years of experience in planning and implementation of effective strategies for development of good corporate reputation of leading international and Bulgarian companies. We have provided services to enterprises in business sectors, such as banking and financial services, fast-moving consumer goods, construction, fuel distribution, etc.
Corporate presence in social media
Thanks to features allowing precise targeting and clear feedback, social media became one of the most preferred communication channels. Our team analyzes the client’s business goals and based on this develops effective long-term strategies for “social” communication. Each one of our steps is well planned and generates real engagement. We operate as a point of contact with the audience, answering inquiries received through social media. Also, we serve as a “fire-wall” for preventing and managing crisis situations. We produce video content specialized for social media, managing the entire process – from the idea, through the scenario and the footage plan to the recording and the post-production.